Good Country People Hulga Analysis

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Pages: 2

Hulga plays a big role in the story “Good Country People” by Flannery O’Connor. When she was born her mother and father gave her the name Joy. However, after a hunting incident that blasted off her leg she legally changed her name to Hulga. Hulga and Joy are not just names, they are a significant representation of how she views herself.
Hulga as stated earlier was born with the name Joy. Joy is a pretty name that is usually associated with characteristics such as happy, courageous, and outgoing. She had her leg blasted off at the age of ten and “as soon as was she twenty-one and away from home, she had it legally changed” (85) to Hulga. Mrs. Hopewell, her mother is not fond of it and still calls her by the name of Joy, because when she thinks
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She saw it as the name of her highest creative act” (100) . The “ugly sweating Vulcan” is a Roman Greek god named Hephaestus. He is the god of fire, blacksmiths and stone masons, who is known for being very ugly and walking with a limp much like Hulga. Hephaestus also created the indestructible armor of Achilles and Helios the Sun God’s chariot. Like the god Vulcan, Hulga imagines herself alone, toiling away at her work that others will never appreciate. “One her major triumphs was that her mother had not been able to turn her dust into Joy, but the greater one was that had been able to turn it herself into Hulga” (105) . Hulga wanted to create herself because she didn’t want to be dependent on her mom the rest of her life. With that being said, changing her name is significant to showing she can be her own person because she is strong and smart enough to be independent, even if she is ugly and disabled.
In conclusion Hulga’s two names both play an important role in the story “Good Country People.” Joy represents herself when she was young and not disabled. On the other hand, the name Hulga represents her artificial wooden leg that makes her feel ugly and is the motivation that drives her to be smart and