Grade 3 Concussions Case Study

Words: 296
Pages: 2

A grade 3 concussion is a (severe) temporary unconsciousness caused by a blow to the head, the term is also used loosely of the after effects such as confusion or temporary incapacity.
The patient was playing soccer as a goalkeeper and dove for the ball. A player on the other team mistook her head for the ball and kicked her in the head. She was unconscious for about 15 seconds. he main treatment for concussions is rest.
Sleep allows the brain to rest and not concentrate on anything.
Doctors may prescribe medication for pain.
The 10 R’s is what most doctors use:
Remove- remove from play
Re Evaluate- done by physician
Rest- 24-48 hours (depends on case)
Rehab- psychological, cervical, & vestibular
Refer- back to MD if symptoms persist