Hammurabi Code Dbq Analysis

Words: 546
Pages: 3

Hammurabi's Code was Unjust Because...
Did you know there were about 1,000,000 people that lived in Babylonia!.Hammurabi ruled for 42 years and had one of the most strict laws ever. Hammurabi was alive about 40 centuries ago. One law is so strict you might die if you do something wrong . Hammeriba is unjust because of his family laws and personal injury laws. Hammurabi's code was unjust because of personal injury laws. In law (Doc E) 199 says”If he has knocked out the eye of a slave…he shall pay half his value”. This is unjust because the guy who knocked out the eye could have done it on accident and shouldn’t have to pay half of his value, a slave is at the bottom of the social structure and doesn’t mean anything to the people at the top of the social structure .In law 218 says”If a surgeon was operated with a bronze lancet ...he shall be put to death” .I believe that this is unjust because when you're doing a surgery it's multiple people and one of his co-workers could have given the surgeon the wrong tool and that made the surgeon mess up. Another reason
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Iin law 129 it states “ If a married woman is caught with another man, she shall be but blind” . This is unjust because the women could have been talking to the man about business . Another reason why Hammurabi's code was unjust is because in law 195 it says “ If a son has struck his father, his hands shall be cut off”. This is unjust because if the son's hand is gone than he can work anymore because he doesn’t have any hands for the rest of his life. One more reason why Hammurabi's code was unjust is because if a woman is married and catches a disease and the man cannot divorce but he can marry another woman to stay in his house with the old wife . I believe this is unjust because if the women gets away from the disease than she would be mad at the husband because he married another woman when she was sick . Thats a couple of reasons why he was