Essay Health And Safety

Submitted By belindasamp
Words: 2092
Pages: 9

Health and safety
The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 To secure the health, safety and welfare of people at work
To protect others from risks arising from the activities of people at work
To control the use and storage of dangerous substances
To control the emission into the atmosphere of noxious or offensive substances
Moving and handling of people and objects Personal hygiene Infection control Personal safety and lone working Fire safety
Food safety and hygiene What to do in the event of an emergency Risk assessments
Smoking at work
Use of chemicals and waste disposal
• To take reasonable care of your own health and safety.
• If possible, to avoid wearing jewellery or loose clothing if operating machinery or using equipment.
• If you have long hair or wear a headscarf, to make sure it is tucked out of the way or it could get caught.
• To take reasonable care not to put other people fellow employees and members of the public at risk by what you do or do not do in the course of your work.
• To cooperate with your employer, making sure that you get proper training and that you understand and follow company's health and safety policies.
• Not to interfere with or misuse anything that has been provided for your health and safety or welfare.
• To report any injury, strains or illness you suffer as a result of doing your job because your employer may need to change the way you work.
• Tell your employer if something happens that might affect your ability to work,
• If you drive or operate machinery, to tell your employer if you take medication that makes you feel drowsy they should temporarily move you to another job if they have one for you to do.

• A statement of intention to provide a safe work place.
• The name of the person responsible for implementing the policy.
• The names of any other people responsible for preventing particular health and safety hazards.
• A list of identified health and safety hazards and the procedures to be followed in relation to them.

Follow health and safety advice given to them Co-operate with you to use appropriate equipment safely
Take reasonable care of their own health and safety
 Moving and handling  Administering medication  Emergency first aid  Giving injections  Peg feeding  Colostomy  Fighting fire
The Health and Safety at Work Act requires employers to ensure workers are appropriately knowledgeable about Health and Safety and that they are properly trained in relevant areas. Your employer may have a health and safety representative who is responsible for health and safety issues at work.
The law requires a risk assessment to be carried out about the environment in which you provide support for individuals as well as for the tasks you undertake. These enable you to reduce or remove any risks. You will need to make sure you know where these risk assessments are kept for each individual.
The Risk Assessment and Management Plan should be within the care plans for the individuals you are supporting.
Step 1 Identify the hazards Step
2 Decide who might be harmed and how Step
3 Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions Step 4 Record your findings and implement them Step 5 Review your risk assessment and update if necessary
Slips, trips and falls are the most common cause of non-fatal major injuries in service industries and account for over half of all reported injuries
Report it to my line manager
Risk assessment is about identifying the risks and putting things in place to reduce or remove the risks. If you do not read the risk assessment you may hurt the person.
 The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (known as MHOR) are designed specifically to eliminate or reduce a manual handling risk to an acceptable level.
 Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (known as LOLER) has specific requirements relating to work equipment which is used for lifting and lowering people or