Essay Occupational Safety and Health and Safety

Submitted By sadz007
Words: 1044
Pages: 5

P2-Learn how legislation, policies and procedures relating to health, safety and security influence Health and Social Care.
Legislation 1-Food Safety Act 1990
What is it?
The Food Safety Act 1990 is a structure of all food legislation that ensures that all food is relevant to sell and safe to eat. To make sure that food is safe for everyone to eat is that the shopkeepers make sure that the food is stamped with the right name, date and where it’s made so people don’t misjudge that it isn’t real food they’re selling.

Relation to H&SC with and example
This can relate to in a primary school. If the dinner ladies don’t follow this legislation, this can lead to negative assurances e.g. if they’re wearing jewellery, it could fall inside the food they’re preparing unknowingly as the food is going to get served to the children. The child will probably eat the food and then choke on it as they don’t know there a piece of jewellery in it.
Importance of it in relation to H&SC setting
This legislation is really important to exist in a primary school because sometimes the diner ladies don’t take the rules seriously so they end up making mistakes with the food they prepare. It’s important to follow this legislation because you need to make sure that the children are eating safe and decent food without any disruption.
Promotion of the safety of individuals
The Food Safety Act 90’ promotes the safety of individual in many ways. Since we have already mention the fact that all dinner ladies should have no jewellery on whilst cooking, this legislation request not only dinner ladies but it concerns everyone that is involved with cooking. The Act could be stronger if professionals took it serious so therefore everyone will be safe and secure when it will come to eating as all health safety requirements will be taken seriously.
Legislation 2- COSHH
What is it?
COSHH is an Act that provokes all employers to control dangerous substances that are most likely to lead to harm and affect people’s health. All professionals need ensure that hazardous substances are out of sight from children or any young people that will affect them. They need to be safe and secure in any Health and Social Care setting they’re in.
Relation to H&SC with and example
The Act relates to a Primary School once again. Many occurrences take place because of the fact that the environment is not safe and clean. All staff and cleaners should make sure that the environment is cleaned properly to prevent from causing infection towards the children. They should also make sure that any hazardous substances e.g. chemicals should be not laying around anywhere because you never know that children could pick it up and misuse it.
Importance of it in relation to H&SC setting
The COSHH Act is important to health, safety and security because it makes the child feel safer when these hazardous substances are out the way due to the fact that those things may be lying about in the setting the child is in. The child could approach it and cause themselves some serious harm.

Promotion of the safety of individuals
The COSHH act promotes the safety of children in loads of ways. All members of staff should put dangerous substances out of the children’s reach. If they leave any chemicals about the child could swallow it or could even pour it over themselves. This could be very hazardous.
Legislation 3- Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
What is it?
This is an Act of parliament of the United Kingdom. This act ensures all of the staff from their health, safety and also welfare at work. This shows the risks and hazards. No hard thing laying about is the most stupid thing, people could fall over.

Relation to H&SC with and example
This piece of health and safety at work can relate or a primary