Healthy People 2020 Case Study

Words: 491
Pages: 2

a) Search through the website. What is the point of HealthyPeople 2020? What are some of the main objectives nationally? (Note: there are many different topics - choose any of interest to you)
The point of the HealthyPeople 2020 is to provide a science-based, ten year report card that strives to improve the health of all Americans by increasing public awareness and understanding of the factors related to health, disease and disability; identifying priorities for nationwide health improvement; providing measurable objectives and goals and engaging multiple sectors to take action based on evidence and knowledge. It helps determine what needs to be done between now and the year 2020.The topic I choose was Diabetes and there were approximately 16 categories for national objectives some of them were: reduce the annual number of new cases of diagnosed diabetes in the population, reduce the rate of lower extremity amputations in persons with diagnosed diabetes, improve lipid control among persons with diagnosed diabetes and reduce the diabetes death rate.
b) Identify resources within that would benefit members of your family, your community, friends, and even yourself. What
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The topics and objectives tab contains different health topics that are broken down alphabetically to help narrow down the search. The information provided ranges from understanding the condition to interventions. This resource is useful to help conduct research and find accurate information and reduces the risk of gaining inaccurate information than by simply using google. The leading health indicator tab can be useful to understand the high-priority health conditions and actions that be taken to help address issues in a community. For example, nutrition and physical activity impact on obesity in a community, state or