Helmets Should Be Compulsory In Schools

Words: 399
Pages: 2

Motorcycle Helmets

Motorcycles are becoming more and more popular and more people are deciding

to ride them, but many people don't wear the helmets that can save their life. There has

been an argument about whether or not there should be motorcycle helmet laws in

every state. Yearly hundreds of people in the U.S. suffer head injuries from a crash and

die and there are even more with permanent damage from crashing on their

motorcycles. Motorcyclists should be required to wear helmets because it can save their

lives and, even though many people use this excuse, they do not limit the drivers

visibility or hearing.

First off, a helmet can save your life during an accident so why wouldn't you wear

it while you are riding? Helmets have been shown to decrease death by head injuries by

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Seat belts save lives everyday and so

do motorcycle helmets.

Secondly, prior to any belief, helmets do not increase the likelihood of a spinal

injury or a crash. Although many people may use this argument it is not true. It may be

true that it is uncomfortable but in the end it is a small price to pay compared to what

might happen if you don't wear it. Also helmets can help with seeing the road more

clearly. If you were riding behind another vehicle that is kicking up rocks and dirt, that

can get into your eyes and prevent you from seeing, helmets take care of this problem.

It is very unnecessary not to wear a helmet because the risks are much higher than

having helmet hair.

Motorcyclists should be required to wear helmets because it can save their life

and hasn't been proven to limit the drive in any way. With motorcycle helmet laws many

motorcycle death and injuries would be prevented. They may cause some discomfort

but is is a very small price to pay when you compare some of the other consequences.

Even though helmets may give you helmet hair or not make you look cool it could save

your life in the long