Henry IV Honor Theme

Words: 558
Pages: 3

Katie Gessner
Midterm Paper
ENG 364A Honor is a very important theme in Shakespeare’s play Henry IV, Part One. In the play, there are many different interpretations of the word honor. Each character perceives the meaning of the word differently, which influences their actions throughout the play. Most characters in this play believe that honor is something that people see from you. However, throughout the play, true honor is shown from a person’s behavior and actions. Three characters that are the most influenced by honor are Hotspur, Prince Hal, and Falstaff. Hotspur and Hal both have a desire for honor and find it an admirable quality, while Falstaff wants nothing to do with the word of honor. The idea of honor changes between each individual and in this way the theme of honor does not have one specific meaning, but instead has meanings specific to each character’s interpretation of the word honor.
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They’re interpretations of it leads them to very different courses of action. One meaning that the play offers is that honor means bravery or triumph on the battlefield. This is shown through Hotspur’s actions. Hotspur believes that honor is gained through reputation and can only be shown through actions during war. Hotspur wants to gain his own honor back by defeating the king whom he believes has taken his honor from him. Another meaning of the word is virtuous behavior. Prince Hal’s character bases his actions of this version of honor. He works on redeeming his own image by striving to achieve honor through his behavior. Falstaff however, views honor as only a word that stays with people who have died and does not stay with the living. Because of this, Falstaff wants nothing to do with the word