Hillary Clinton Arguments Against Abortion

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Pages: 7

Hillary Clinton stated, “We're always going to argue about abortion. It's a hard choice and it's controversial, and that's why I'm pro-choice because I want people to make their own choices” (“Hillary Clinton Quotes”). It is a choice that all humans should have the right too, but it has been an issue that is constantly argued in the United States. There are two sides to this argument pro-life and pro-choice. Pro-choice fights for all women to have rights to their bodies, and pro-choice fights for the unborn fetus's life. Shockingly, nearly every day in America there are 3,000 abortions a day which mean every one in four pregnancies end in abortion (“Abortion Facts”). Even though it is quite easy to have an abortion procedure done in the …show more content…
Without these guidelines, there would be many more issues caused in parents and their children's relationships. If these laws were not put into play there would be an increase in sneaking around from minor's parents simply because they wouldn’t want to “disappoint” their guardians. Sneaking around and hiding these life changing choices could cause broken relationships and trust issues between minors and their guardians. For awhile now, “Polls have consistently reflected that over 70 percent of Americans support parental consent laws. Most recently a Gallup Poll released July 25, 2011, showed that 71 percent of Americans support a law requiring parental consent prior to performance of an abortion on a minor” (Abortion, By Teresa S. Collett within). These facts prove that these restrictions on abortions would make the majority of Americans feel comfortable about minors having abortions. Many Americans reasoning for these restrictions to be followed by all minors is because of, “The quite reasonable assumption that minors will benefit from consultation with their parents and that children will often not realize that their parents have their best interests at heart” (Abortion, By Teresa S. Collett within). Pro-choice activist have worked so hard for parental constant to become a required part of getting an abortion when you are a minor and have definitely done their job well because nearly five years ago, “Forty-five states had passed laws requiring parental notice or consent,” for minors to get an abortion (Abortion, By Teresa S. Collett