Hippocrates Balance Of Humors

Words: 1998
Pages: 8

Question 1-Wk 2

The author is trying to convey that there are four fluids produced by the body that will reveal an individual’s well-being or the lack of healthiness. Thus, it was crucial that the body upholds a steadiness of the humors. Subsequently, some factors that inhibit an equal balance of the four constituents occur when there are deviations which can be environmental, seasonal or simply by a lessening the continuous combining of qualities in the body. If these conditions were met then the likelihood of sustaining a balance of the humors was very probable. If or when a person’s fluid level dropped or increased then they would begin to display signs of a discrepancy. Hence, either more or less of a particular type of fluid, or the
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Particularly, if the circumstances included that the physician was new to the area of his patient. For example, Hippocrates found it rather logical for the medical professional to acquaint themselves with the location. This was imperative to treatment because it could help the doctor by giving him hints on what imbalances of the humors were likely affected as a result of the location. Usually, the first clues gathered derived from information on the winds. The physician could determine many things by learning the direction of the wind. Some questions about the wind that needed answers were things like the temperature were they cold or warm. Also, if there was an abundance of plant life or maybe an absence. Other clues that could be collected by observing the region was the water supply. He would take note of the living quarters and the distance of the water. Was there evidence of soil dryness or moisture? Also noted, would be any vegetation that surrounded around the water or other inhabitants. He would need to answer if the water was caused from a swamp-like marsh or a creek. Other clues could be found by the citizens or people themselves. Did they eat a balanced diet or were they active individuals? The doctor would probably contemplate the effects that the cyclical fluctuations had within the particular …show more content…
The first being, associations made between irregularities of the humors and one’s health or absence of wellbeing. However, there were four types of fluids that were recognized as being distinguished by color. These substances which were yellow or black bile, phlegm, and blood also had to become imbalanced in order for one to become sick. Inconsistences were determined to be an uninterrupted consequence of infections. In fact, sickness was openly connected to differences in the humors which later related to certain conditions. Galen thought of humoral fluids as existing in the body and once a fluctuation occurred with the humors it was likely going to produce an illness. Furthermore, he had faith in humors occurred because of a response of triggers such as temperatures like soup versus ice. There were reasons that correlated to each humoral fluid. Some of the factors that were likely the link between imbalance and infection were social standing, hot, cold, moist, dry, geographical locations, and the different stages of