Holcomb In Truman Capote's In Cold Blood

Words: 285
Pages: 2

In In Cold Blood, Truman Capote views Holcomb as “unnamed, unshaded, and unpaved.” He thinks it is a very dull, boring town. Everything is falling apart, everything except the school. The school is a clean, somewhat new building that is the pride and joy of Holcomb. Holcomb is an average town where nothing out of the ordinary happens, and he conveys this through his tone and rhetorical strategies. Capote’s tone reflects the dull, boringness of Holcomb, Kansas, he says things like “wheat plains of western Kansas” and “Other Kansans call ‘Out There’.” As well as “Unnamed, unshaded,and unpaved.” Capote dwells on the fact that nothing happens and makes it apparent that he can’t stand it that nothing happens. Capote’s tone shifts in the beginning