Homer Plessy Vs. Ferguson Case

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Pages: 3

Homer Plessy was a 1/8th black american who was born and raised in Louisiana. On June 7th 1892 Homer Plessy purchased a first class railway ticket from New Orleans to Covington and knowingly boarded the whites train. When he was asked to leave he stayed thus resulting in arrest. He began by attempting to sue the state for an unlawful arrest. He lost this cause and began a Supreme Court case stating that separate but equal laws were ill-fitting and unconstitutional. In this case the three main points were discussed they consisted of violation of the 13th and 14th amendment for the petitioners side and that separate but equal have nothing to do with train cars. On May 18th, 1896, The Supreme Court ruled on the Plessy vs. Ferguson case, in favor of the defendants, Judge John H. Ferguson, deciding that not only was was the original case against Plessy ruled in a just fashion, but also separate but equal laws were fitting and constitutional. …show more content…
and the 14th Amendment only banned discrimination on political and civil rights. In the separate but equal laws it is stated that "absolute equality of the two races before the law," such equality extended only so far as political and civil rights (e.g., voting and serving on juries), not "social rights" (e.g., sitting in a railway car one chooses).’’(3) therefor homer plessy's arrest was lawful and he was violating. this evidence is crucial to the investigation into the arrest of Homer Plessy because it showed he was in fact violating state law and the police had the right to