Plessy Vs. Ferguson Case

Words: 647
Pages: 3

You may have always wondered what it was like for newly freed slaves during the Reconstruction era and how Plessy vs. Ferguson affected African Americans during that time period and how they are affected today. The “Plessy vs. Ferguson” case had a very large impact on African Americans and racism itself. This all started with the ending of the Civil War and the start on the new Reconstruction era. The Reconstruction era refers to the period after the Civil War when the federal government “rebuilt” the former Confederate states and readmitted them to the Union, which also came along with the “Reconstruction Amendments”. The Reconstruction Amendments included the 13th (Abolished Slavery), 14th (Birth citizenship, due process, equal protection under law), and 15th (No citizen can be denied the right to vote due to race, color, or previous conditions of servitude) Amendments.
There also was what’s called “Jim Crow Laws”, which were equally unjust and racist laws. In 1860, the State of Louisiana proposed the “Separate Car” Act, which would require railroads to maintain “equal and separate” for whites and non-whites. This law was one of several bold new attempts by conservative southern governments to deprive blacks of
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Martinet, the editor of an African American newspaper, organized the “Citizens’ Committee” to challenge the law. The group raised $3000 to challenge the Act, and contacted known civil rights advocate Albion Tourgée and asked him to assist. With Tourgée’s assistance, the group planned to have a pre-determined person break the segregation law, ensuring that he’d be arrested. The legal team would then challenge the arrest in court, calling attention to the unconstitutionality of the law. They planned to have a man light-skinned enough to pass for a white board train in New Orleans and sit in the white car. Tourgée and his team approached Homer Plessy and asked him to serve plaintiff in the