Hospitality In Odysseus In Homer's The Odyssey

Words: 592
Pages: 3

Odysseus has gone on many adventures after the Trojan war, but without any types of hospitality he would not have been able to complete those adventures. The Odyssey is about a King named Odysseus that has to make a voyage home after the Trojan War.
There are many ways good hospitality helped Odysseus arrive home to Ithaca. Most of the gods after the Trojan war felt sorrow for Odysseus and would let him sail home. He arrived at an island with nymph named Calypso. Calypso took good care of Odysseus when he really needed it. When the time had come she gave him the directions to head home to Ithaca. The nymph showed Odysseus love and care when he was in great need for it. Odysseus was starting to lose hope until he found Calypso to give