Hotel Rwanda Imperialism

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Pages: 3

Africa is home to some of the best natural resources and big farming land. During colonialism, Europe took over Africa and caused chaos for its people because of a need for these natural resources. One of the countries colonized was Rwanda. It was first given to Germany at the Berlin Conference and is one of the smallest countries in the middle of Africa. After World War One, Germany's control over Rwanda and been overthrown by Belgium. These countries thought Africa and its resources were going to help them make more money and boost the economy. Although, the Belgians did not have the best idea for dealing with the people in Rwanda. They made the people in the country hate each other. This led to the Rwandan Genocide in 1994. The killing of one million people during the Rwandan Genocide occurred due to due to the Belgians racist treatment, making the Tutsi a superior race and making Hutu feel like slaves. This created a great divide between the Hutu and Tutsi. Rwanda was given to Europe as a part of the Berlin Conference. This conference was for all the European countries to meet and discuss how to separate Africa "evenly." …show more content…
The Hutu blamed the Tutsi for the death of the president and started calling them cockroaches. In the movie "Hotel Rwanda" the Milles Collines manager, Paul Rusesabagina, reached out to Europeans for help during the mayhem. When the European Intervention force arrived, they took only foreign guests with them. This was devastating to all remaining Rwandans at the Milles Collines Hotel, and the Interahamwe were determined to eliminate all Tutsi at the hotel. A Hutu involved in the genocide was interviewed by CBS. He stated the the only reason why he was involved in the violence was because he was promised a banana plantation. (document 5). The Hutu were not going to receive anything, but they didn't know that, so the killings