How A Bill Becomes A Law Essay

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Pages: 4

There are several steps for a bill to become a law. The bill begins in either the House or Senate. The bill has to first be drafted by Congress, Executive branch, or outside groups. Then the Representatives introduce the bill to the house. They drop the bill in a box called the “Hopper”. The lawmaking process is a little complicated because it is likened to a difficult course, and only a small part goes through. There are two types of bills, Public bills and Private bills. Public bills usually applied to a country . Private bills only apply to a person or places rather than a country. A bill or resolution only deal with one subject. They are used for the adoption of a new rule. Resolutions do not have to be sent to the president for approval. A bills resolution only …show more content…
After this the bill gets its first reading. When a bill is passed in the house it is given three readings along the legislative route.The standing committees act as sieves. They go through all of the bills and they reject most and only consider the once they find worthy of floor consideration. Once a subcommittee completes its work on a bill, the measure goes to the full committee. Before a bill goes on the floor for consideration, it has to be reported by a standing committee, and it is placed on one of the several calendars. There are 5 calendars in the house: The Calendar of the Committee, The House Calendar, The Private Calendar, The Correction Calendar and The Discharge Calendar. Under the rules of the house bills are taken from each calendar for consideration. These arrangement are not always followed closely, what happens is a little more complicated. The rules committee play a critical part in the legislative process of the house. If a rule is not granted for a bill, the rules committee can be ruined. All of the calendars are roles of the rules committee, Complex procedures have developed because of the large size of the house and the amount of numbers, and variety of bills members