How Did Beowulf Change Over Time

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Pages: 5

We, as people, are “taught that hero-worship is natural to humans” (Scheske). Everywhere we look, there are heroes that humans worship or look up to. A modern-day hero has evolved immensely from what they were thousands of years ago, but even though the idea of a hero has changed, they are still worshiped by some today, as they were back then. Today, a hero is thought of typically as a celebrity, or a police man or anyone that people look up to. Along time ago, a hero was someone who fought battles with great strength and courage, who people looked up to because it gave them courage. Beowulf and Achilles, two very brave, strong and wise literature heroes, show is all what heroes were, and how they have changed over time. The impact they have had on people for thousands of years, even though they were both very different, it shows how there is not, and never has been a set standard for the definition of a hero.
A hero named
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Beowulf fights two monsters in his young age, which made him the hero that he is today. Many people still look up to him for his strengths, courage, wisdom and many other features that he possessed. Beowulf now rules the kingdom and he get his final call to action, about 50 years later. Beowulf, now an elder man, has been called to slay a dragon, and for his final time, he accepts this call to action and heads out, knowing this might be the end of him. He gets to the dragon’s home and fights will all he can, the dragon won this final battle and Beowulf had passed. A new hero, Wiglauf, ran in as all the other men fled in terror, and he slays the dragon, takes all the gold and returns to the kingdom as the new king. Beowulf was very noble and strong in all that he did, even when he wasn’t a king, he acted like he was. Maybe to get people to like him, maybe it was but because he was a natural born