How Did The Beatles Changed American Culture

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As the world began to change culturally in the 1960’s so did its music. The Beatles completely changed the music industry and the culture of the world. Since the Beatles started creating music in the 1960’s, they’ve influenced the world of fashion, the music industry, and society. Beatlemania was an important event that greatly influenced the lives of many people. Whether it was the way the beatles dressed or their stage presence, people loved them all around the world. They didn’t only make a mark on the world's music but all of western culture. They wore tight jeans, leather jackets and acted wild. They jumped around and had so much energy on stage. As stated in “World History: The Modern Era” from ABC CLIO, “At first …show more content…
Their musical act was based around their energy and creativity. Schaffner, Nicholas. "Beatles, The." The New Book of Knowledge. Scholastic Grolier Online,“During most of the 1960's, the Western world seemed to move to the beat of four young rock musicians from Liverpool, England.” Whenever a new Beatles album was released, it turned into a whole event. They inspired other musicians to push their own musical boundaries. Another thing that the Beatles did was organizing “The Concert for Bangladesh,” which started the idea to have charity rock concerts. The Beatles liked all kind of music which changed Western attitudes about Indian spirituality and music. Although artists created short film performances of their songs, the Beatles were one of the earliest groups to make music videos. It was a short film of a musical act including a current song. They performed “All You Need is Love” on live television making record of the first live television event, about 350 million people watched. Another thing that the Beatles impacted was the world of animations. Before the Beatles released their film “The Yellow Submarine” animation was mainly directed towards children’s cartoons. Without this film, many other popular animated movies and shows wouldn't've been