How Did The Marshall Plan To Achieve Containment

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Pages: 3

The post World War II era was a time of heightened suspicion defined by the military and political struggle between the Soviet Union and the US. Truman’s foreign policy through the Cold War was containment, a policy created by George Kenney. Containment entailed not attacking communism where it existed but preventing it from spreading.Truman achieved containment through the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, and NATO.
The Soviets at the end of the war desired military and political control of eastern Europe to create a buffer which would protect them from a western attack. Stalin established many puppet communist states from the countries he liberated during WWII and tried to spread the communist ideology to other regions. Even Greece and Turkey were threatened Soviet aggression as they faced economic problems which led to communist uprisings. If the Soviet Union
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The Marshall Plan was designed to prevent countries from adopting communism by offering economic aid to all European nations that need it. Congress passed the plan after a coup in Czechoslovakia installed a communist government. Aid was even offered to Stalin who declined on basis of America’s attempted imperialism over the Soviet Union. Essentially the Marshall Plan was extended to Japan and western Europe only as most eastern European nations were the Soviet Union’s satellite nations. The Marshall plan gave money, specifically thirteen million dollars, to countries who used it to stabilize their economy and rebuild infrastructure. In essence, the Marshall plan created prosperous countries whose economies grew and were able to become useful trading partners and allies against the Soviet Union.The plan was a success as economic well being is the strongest ally of democracy. Therefore communism was contained without starting a war as the impoverished people's displeasure caused by economic instability was