How Does Bilbo Show Heroism

Words: 337
Pages: 2

In The Hobbit Bilbo Baggins, the main protagonist, acquires a sword from a mysterious cave. At first it just seems cool that Bilbo can finally fight using real weaponry, but there is deeper meaning behind the sword. I believe the sword shows Bilbo’s heroism and courage. Bilbo’s sword guides him through his journey, and it really shows what he is capable of. Whenever BIlbo pulls out his sword, it is a sign to the readers that shows BIlbo is about to do something courageous. When Bilbo was just about to encounter Gollum, he drew out his sword “Now he drew it out. It shone pale and dim before his eyes.”(p.69) This tells the reader something heroic is about to happen, supporting the thought that the sword is the symbolic for Bilbo’s heroism and