How Does Erik Fisher Affect Paul In Tangerine

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Pages: 4

In the book, Tangerine by Edward Bloor, a high-schooler, named Erik Fisher, moves with his family from Houston, Texas to Tangerine, Florida. When Erik moves to Tangerine, he puts on a “perfect” personality, charismatic, athletic, and overall a great guy, but this is not the real Erik Fisher. Erik’s little brother, Paul, notices that Erik has an ugly side to him, a side that is not seen by many. Paul notices that Erik will do almost anything to keep his football dream alive, anyone who threatens this will end up on his chopping block. Erik feels that he can hurt whomever he pleases whether it’s with words or a punch, either way, he does it for his own benefit and without remorse. Through this Paul sees that Erik is manipulative, cruel, and all in all, psychopathic. …show more content…
In the beginning of the book, Erik and his father meet, Mr. Costello, a father of one of the players on the football team, Mike Costello. Mike is a holder on the football team, and Erik will be the kicker. Erik has to be on good terms with Mike or the “Erik Fisher Football Dream” will be in danger, Paul puts it this way, “Erik was as phony as he needed to be. He asked some questions about Lake Windsor High’s student government, and about its National Honor Society. He asked about early acceptance programs at different universities in Florida” Erik tries to appear “perfect” to the Costellos by acting as an upstanding young man, asking questions, and giving his best impression. Only Paul sees at this point in the story that Erik is only acting this way to get ahead, in other words, Erik manipulates the Costellos in order and only to maintain the