How Does Geography Affect The Development Or Diffusion Of Human Society?

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Pages: 3

Geography and the Development/Diffusion of Human Society
Part A
Geography has played apart though out history. Every region has been impacted differently. One many ask has geography had an impact on Egypt. The answer is yes. Egypt has several physical geographical factor that have contributed to Egypt’s development, but perhaps the greatest geographical influence has been the Nile River. The extraordinary accomplishments of ancient Egyptian civilization would not have been possible without the Nile River. The Nile River provided many sources of food for the ancient Egyptians. Ancient Egyptians discovered that the Nile River flooded for about six months out of each year (, 2015). As the flooded Nile starts to recede it left a deposit of rich, brown soil ( This soil was ideal for growing wheat, beans, barley, or even cotton (, 2015). The Nile also served as a protective barrier from enemy attacks. Enemies that wanted to attack Egypt would have to first cross the very wide river. The Egyptian warriors would stand on the banks of the Nile River and throw spears at their attackers (Stevenson, 2010). When enemy attackers did make it across the Nile they were tired from their journey across (Stevenson, 2010). Last but not least the Nile River helped the Egyptians in trade. Egypt moved
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Early settlers were hunters and gathers who mostly strived off wild plants (Smith, 2011). One of these wild plants was the potato (Smith, 2011). The potatoes origin can be traced to South America between three and seven thousand years ago (Chapman, n.d). However, some scientist believe that potatoes may have grown wild in the region as long as 13,000 years ago (Chapman, n.d). Potatoes became a popular food item because it can be easily grow in severe weather and is highly nutritious. Potatoes were transported worldwide by sailors and tradesmen (Smith,