How Does Khaled Hosseini Influence Change

Words: 370
Pages: 2

Khaled Hosseini uses his novel to influence change. By telling the story of a young boy, his struggle to find his place in the world, and how his once beautiful home was torn apart by war, Hosseini is able to inform the world about human tragedy across the globe, while creating empathy and compassion in the heart of the readers. This in turn creates a will to do better in their own lives. For example, one of the most unsettling scenes in the book is the rape of a 12-year-old boy, Hassan, by another boy not much older than him. In the setting of a grim alley it reads, "Assef knelt behind Hassan, put his hands on Hassan's hips and lifted his buttocks. He kept one hand on Hassan's back and undid his own belt buckle with his free hand...Hassan