How Does Lady Macbeth's Ambition To Have Power

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Pages: 4

The author William Shakespeare wrote a play titled The Tragedy of Macbeth and the play took place in Scotland. In the play, the main character Macbeth was once a loyal man until he let his curiosity, greed, and his desire for power produce him to become an aggressive man who will undertake anything it takes and take out anyone who tries to interfere between him and the throne. Through the story Macbeth had temptations and thoughts influenced to act upon by Lady Macbeth. The significant theme throughout the story is Macbeth and Lady Macbeth's ambition to have power and become King and Queen.
In the beginning Macbeth is an audacious and patriotic nobleman, he is the Thane of Cawdor and recognized as a tremendous overall man. Though prevails
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After Macbeth goes in and kills King Duncan he brings back the daggers and has traces of blood, Lady Macbeth had already gotten the guards drunk so he can commit the murder now she takes the daggers back in to assure it doesn't look like she was responsible. This action further explains why she is wanting of the throne, because she is going out of her way and taking part in murderous decisions to acquire it. As Macbeth becomes king, he will look to stay king and is willing to destroy anything that tries to interfere. Furthermore Macbeth goes and has his friend Banquo killed and later has Macduff's family killed. Macbeth murders Banquo just because he is suspicious and then he has a whole family killed as like a warning. This displays just how motivated and malicious Macbeth becomes to stay king. Both characters are showing the will determination to stay on the throne by doing these inhumane …show more content…
The ambition of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth is what mostly pushed the story and was the heart of the story. If Macbeth wouldn't have had any interest in the predictions of the witches, his ambition to fulfill them wouldn't have started the story. As well as when Lady Macbeth was there to guide the steps by convincing Macbeth, helping kill King Duncan, and Making sure whatever needed gets finished by cause of her ambition to be Queen. Eventually being king and have power over came Macbeth turning him into and whole different person than he was in the beginning. This story has a deep meaning and many lessons to learn from this and one being that you can't judge someone by their looks because you will never know what desire they have on the