How Words Powerfully Affected My Life

Words: 428
Pages: 2

Words powerfully affect my life because they can be positive and negative. People have found many ways to make words, atrocious, and unacceptable that used to be superior and gratifying. People use words as a defense, or just to be plain rude. Some words can be taken either way. Taylor Swift has a quote that is good for the subject, “Words can break someone into a million pieces, but they can also put them back together. I hope you use yours for good, because the only words you’ll regret more than the ones left unsaid are the ones you use to intentionally hurt someone.”

First, the positive words. Positivity is looking forward to live; and looking at the marvelous things instead of focusing on the bad. We could use people spreading positivity
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Usually, people really take harsh words to heart. Rude words can ruin somebody’s day, even their life. When doing some research on this topic, I discovered the quote “You can tell a lot about a culture from its choice of words.” by Minh Tan. This quote is true, because you can usually tell how someone is like and their attitude by the way they speak.

Instead, some people may rely on the quote, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” Some would agree, but most probably wouldn’t. You shouldn’t use offensive words about how someone looks, because beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The person you call names may have a tough time at home, or may get bullied at school. You never know what is happening behind the curtains, or their hidden life outside of school. Being nice to someone and giving them encouragement may lift them away from pain, or maybe you can get them out of the deep hole of sadness and discouragement they are in. Therefore, the point of this essay is just to say that words are important, and are a great deal in life. Most of the time, people remember the hate comments more than the nice ones, because the negative ones affect them more. People may get compliments everyday, but the negative ones really hurt. Everyone is beautiful in their own way. No one deserves to be called ugly, fat, or any other negative things, because God made them the way they wanted to be made.