Hrm 531 Week 2 Individual Assignment

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Pages: 2

Plan, do, check, act/adjust is a process that is often used in the business setting to identify and correct problems in order to achieve what is frequently called continuous quality improvement (Hassiotis, 2015). My professional life has afforded several opportunities to use this process in many situations. As a result of doing the personality, learning, and spiritual gift assessments, I identified specific problem (plan) areas in my personal, professional, and spiritual life. In my professional life, my personality assessment revealed that I may take on too much responsibility because I am very driven and energetic. Because I take on too much responsibility in my professional life, other areas of my life suffer. Solutions to this particular problem (do) would involve saying no to additional tasks and delegating some of my responsibilities to others. After partially implementing these solutions, I would analyze (check) to see if the solutions were working by appreciating an improved quality of life elsewhere. Should I attain satisfactory results during step 3 or check, I would then act (step 4) by fully implementing the solution of delegating responsibilities and saying no. …show more content…
According to my learning assessment, I am a very sequential learner; thus, complex material stimulates my higher thought processes, and I learn best when information comes in sequence. Unfortunately, when it comes to learning, not everything is taught in sequence or is complex, as such; I may have problems retaining facts from simple information because of disinterest. Using the plan, do, check, act process, I may be able to use other learning strengths to retain facts from information that is not interesting or in sequence. To gauge whether or not I was successful would be dependent upon whether or not I learned the