Huckleberry Finn Character Traits

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Pages: 4

In this action packed novel named The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huckleberry Finn faces many challenges and learns life lessons as he takes part in an adventure with a runaway slave named Jim. Huckleberry Finn has a very unique type of personality as he demonstrates in this book. As one can see, he is a very adventurous type of teenager in which he tries to act very tough and go against the norm. As the story begins in St. Petersburg, Missouri, Huck is adopted by the Widow Douglas and Miss Watson due to the fact the his father, Pap, drinks whiskey until he basically passed out, or he is locked up in the town. Huck described his father in a very traumatic way when he said that “Pap he hadn’t been seen… I used to take to the woods most of …show more content…
As Miss Watson and Widow Douglas try to take Huck in, it does not go well with him as he likes to be out and about, and he really does not like living in a house. Widow Douglas and Miss Watson try to educate Huck, but do to his character he does not cooperate with them. Huck usually goes out and gets into mischief with his friend Tom Sawyer. In one occasion, his vagrant father, Pap decides to kidnap Huck and take him to a cabin in the woods. Huck devises a plan to escape from Pap’s which turns out to be successful as he runs away to an island. As he is wondering about, he encounters Jim, Miss Watson's slave, in which he tells Huck that he has run away from Miss Watson because she was going to sell him and take him away from his family. They both decide to run away together and go on many adventures together to try and gain Jim's freedom. Huck really creates a bond with Jim and really cares for him. This is seen in the instance that Huck apologizes to Jim and says “it was fifteen minutes before… if I’d knowed it would make him feel that way” (Twain 98). This is a very important quote as it is a white man apologizing to a black slave. This very