Human Papillomavirus

Words: 270
Pages: 2

Human Papillomavirus is a common STI; it’s so common that there are a lot of different types of HPV. Most of the HPV cause genital warts and cancers, but there are vaccines to prevent people from having health problems. HPV is a cause for women developing cervical cancer. Once of the ways you can come in contact with HPV is through direct and oral sex. The scientific name for HPV is Papillomaviridae. HPV has been found in the body’s epithelial cells. Most likely found on our skin’s surface, and the vagina, anus, vulva, cervix, penis head, and mouth and throat surface as well. It’s spread through sexual contact such as vaginal, anal, and oral.
Some people don’t show any signs that they have this disease, but if genital warts appear than it’s