Hurricane Katrina Case Study

Words: 495
Pages: 2

1. What problem occurred after Hurricane Katrina that has prevented rebuilding? The problem that occurred after hurricane Katrina happened was the insurance, it failed. People wasn’t able to live in their own houses because they couldn’t insure their homes were dramatically expensive.
2. Why is disclosure important when taking out insurance? Disclosure is important when taking out insurance because the insurance you get is based on the information you provide, providing false information or not providing information voids your policy.
3. Who invented the insurance fund? What was the insurance that they invented for? Two scotland ministers, 1744 invented the insurance fund, their names were Robert Walas and his friend Alexander Webster.
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How did the idea of welfare develop? What areas were covered in state welfare? The idea of welfare was developed when federal aid for poor children and other dependent persons, by 1935 a national welfare system had been established for the first time in American History. The areas covered in state welfare are sickness and injury, disability and death, childbirth, large families, old age and unemployment.
5. Which country is known as the welfare superpower? Why? What was problematic about the system? Japan is the country known as the welfare superpower. The issue that made it problematic is that it was to successful.
6. What country first began to dismantle its welfare state? What was put in its place? Chili was the country to first dismantle its welfare state. Democracy was restored is what was put in its place.
7. What other methods can people use to protect themselves from unexpected disasters? Some methods that people could use to protect themselves from unexpected disasters would be housing alarms so no one could break in, legally have a handgun so you could protect yourself from harm, or stay around people you can trust that you know.
8. Why do individuals buy insurance policies? Reasons why individuals buy insurance policies is because they usually want to save money or protection of their