Hy-Vee Personal Narrative

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Pages: 2

As Hy-Vee continues to shape the grocery industry, it continues to shape my life. I grew up shopping at Hy-Vee. My family gathered and shared meals there often. We met at the store to gather things for celebrating, mourning, or anything in between. Hy-Vee has been there with me through the good and bad. When I was sixteen, I could not have been proud to start working with Hy-Vee. After 3 years with the company, I look back at all that I have come. I have made valuable connections, earned experience, and overcome anxiety all through my employment with Hy-Vee.
Since I grew up frequenting Hy-Vee, it came as no surprise when I applied to work at Hy-Vee when I was 16. After a brief interview, I was offered a job as a courtesy clerk. I learned the
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The company grew every year and sales continue grow. I worked myself up to become a cashier. Eventually, I was promoted to become a Customer Service Clerk. Many mentors working in this department helped learn to deal with customers in the most difficult situations. I gained invaluable experience in this position. Not to mention that my anxiety towards working with people continued to subside.
After two and half years working for my local Sioux City Hy-Vee, I was faced with a dilemma. I graduated High School in May of 2016. My post-secondary education stood at odds with career. I planned to move two hours away to the Council Bluffs area for school. Although, my anxiety about the future of social sphere and career overwhelmed me. Customers, co-workers, and the management team at Hy-Vee was there for me. They aided in my transition by enabling a transfer from my current Hy-Vee to a new one. Still, I was apprehensive about moving to a whole new store with a new whole new set of people. The Hy-Vee I went to in Council Bluffs welcomed me with open arms. They made my transition from high school to college one of ease. Hy-Vee has always facilitated my education well, and they continue to do so. Their commitment to my success has made a true impact in my