Hypothesis and Dissolved Oxygen Parts Essay examples

Submitted By GitterbugXX
Words: 747
Pages: 3

Week One Laboratory

1) What patterns do you observe based on the information in table 4?
The information that I observed based on the information given in table 4 was in the number of fish observed. The number of fish observed increased two fish or more over the dissolved oxygen parts per million. But then when fifteen fish seen it then decreased down to ten then started escalating once more.
2) Develop a hypothesis relating to the amount of dissolved oxygen measured in the water sample and the number of fish observed in the body of water.
My personal hypothesis relating to the amount of dissolved oxygen measured in the water sample and the number of fish observed in the body of water would be: If the dissolved oxygen continues to increase by two then the number of fish will decrease.
3) What would your experimental approach be to test this hypotheses?
My experimental approach to test my hypotheses would be to continue to increase the dissolved oxygen in units of part per million and observe to see how many fish I see.
4) What would be the independent and dependent variables?
The independent variable of my experiment would be the part per million of the dissolved oxygen. The dependent variable of my experiment would be the number of fish I observe.
5) What would be your control?
The control in my experiment would be the location. I would go to where the experiment took place so that my data would work well with the previous data so that I am able to compare the two together. This will help me know if my hypotheses is in fact true or not.
6) What type of graph would be appropriate for this data?
I believe that a line graph would be appropriate for this data. I chose line graph so that it would be easier to show the data of the two experiments together.
7) Graph the data from table 4: Water Quality vs. Fish Population (Found at the beginning of this exercise). I could not bring up a graph to show but I did in fact draw it.
8) Interpret the data from the graph made in question seven.
The graph I chose to draw was a bar graph. On the left hand side of the graph I numbered it 1-15 in order to show the number of fish observed. On the bottom of the graph was the dissolved oxygen in ppm’s counted by twos starting with zero then two up to eighteen. The indicated that an increase of 12 ppm’s of fish were observed then decreased down to 14 ppm’s and once again starts to increase.
Now for the math part of this assignment.
1. A dad holds five coins in his hand. He tells his son that if he can guess the amount of money he is holding within 5% error he can have the money. The son guesses that he is holding 81 cents. The dad opens his hand and displays 90 cents. Did the son guess close enough to