Informative Essay On Are Animals Safe

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Pages: 3

When it comes to our pets, we're all guilty of slipping them little nibbles underneath the table. But it's important to keep in mind that the things that are good for us aren't necessarily good for our animals. Next time you sit down for a meal, keep this information in mind before you share your food with your four-legged family member. One of the most common questions veterinary staff gets asked is whether or not grapes are safe for animals, and it's a common reason dogs are admitted to the hospital.

Are Grapes Safe?

Grapes (and their raisin form) are actually quite toxic to dogs, even in small amounts. Unfortunately, there's no set limit for what's considered a toxic level. Some dogs are fine after eating a handful of grapes while others show toxicity symptoms after just a couple of grapes. Unlike our bodies, a dog's liver and kidneys process foods and medications
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Vomiting is usually the first symptom and appears within a few hours of ingestion. After that, the dog could start having diarrhea or appear lethargic. When the kidneys get involved, the symptoms start to get a little more specific. Your dog will start to drink excessively and seem insatiable when it comes to their water consumption. Because of the excessive thirst (polydypsia), they'll start to urinate more frequently (polyuria).

On average, acute kidney failure will develop anywhere from 24 hours to three days after ingestion. Besides the excessive drinking and urination, abdominal pain will be evident in the form of a hunched back or extremely slow/ginger movements. As the toxicity builds, the kidneys will begin to shut down and stop producing urine. An odd smell will develop in your dog's mouth and some dogs get ulcers on their gums. If the dog isn't treated, his blood pressure will skyrocket and possibly send the dog into