Is Hercules An Epic Hero

Words: 859
Pages: 4

An Epic Hero

By Jonathan BretonLopez -

Jonathan Breton

December 5, 2016

Period 2A

"I think a hero is an ordinary individual who finds strength to pressure and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles"(Christopher Reeve.) Many people ask themselves, what makes an ordinary individual an epic hero, what is an epic hero? This question can be interpreted in many ways and people can have different opinions on the topic. But how I think of it, it is someone which possesses courage, strength, and immortality. An example which I think is appropriate to use would be the greatest mythological hero of all time, Hercules. The half mortal, half god, son of Zeus, son of Alemene, born on Earth , and the most epic hero there is. Hercules possesses
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Again Hercules was Zeus' mortal son, so therefore, Hercules was a half god, through his father. This is how it all worked, after killing a centaur, some of its poisonous blood got on him and caused unbearable pain, According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, the poison killed him, so from there he ascended to the after life to live with his parents and with all the other gods. His task on Earth was finished and he achieved immortality through ascending to the after life as a god. "One thing that makes the end of Hercules' life stick out from the rest of the gods' stories is the fact that he becomes a god. Hercules especially heads up to Mount. Olympus, and becomes immortal."(Shmoop University Editorial Team). Immortal, meaning never ending and eternal strength and …show more content…
Powerful and brave, he is perhaps the best hero, incomparable to all other heroes. And after the end of all the hardships and trials he overcame them, and the reward for all his hardships was his promise into the immortal after life among the rest of the gods. Hercules was courageous because of his confidence to fight all of the 12 labors. Hercules was strong because he defeated them with his own muscles and by himself without help of others or supernatural super powers. Hercules achieved immortality because his father brought him with him to his kingdom to spend all eternity in peace and luxury. Many people admired him and we can see why. Hercules is the best example of an epic