Rome: The Great Greedy Society

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Rome the Great Greedy Society
There is no denying that Rome started as a great society looking to Homer’s epics to provide a strong code of honor and moral belief system. Despite the greed and power hungry leaders in Rome, there seemed to be a love for virtue and honor as characteristics that were held in high regard. That being said, as the Roman Empire grew, the conquered provinces suffered greatly from corruption and taxation. Rome used a complex patronage system that required average citizens to be the clients of a patron. The politics of Rome truly resembled a barbaric bartering system of support for military and political advances of the patron in exchange for protection of the clients.
The family name and ancestry determined the standing
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Known as Augustus, the revered one, he made extensive changes in many systems of Rome. Fiscally, Augustus reduced the cost of the military and standardized the tax system for all city states. He had buildings, roads, and aqueducts constructed. Fire and police were organized to protect and keep order in Rome. This era became known as the, “Golden Age” of Rome and lasted for two centuries. Citizenship at this time was open to all foreigners, Aelius Aristides a new wealthy citizen in 155 AD stated, “Thus, the present government serves rich and poor alike, and your constitution has developed a single, harmonious, all-embracing union” (Aristides, 155 AD/n.d, p. 2). Emperor Augustus inspired works that called for him to be deified, he was well respected and truly reignited the traditional Roman virtues in society. Horace writes of Augustus, “By these means Pollux, and wandering Hercules, in their effort, reached the fiery citadels, where Augustus shall recline one day, drinking nectar to stain his rosy lips (Horace, 65-27AD, …show more content…
The Romans practiced a polytheistic religion that did not fit the monotheistic practice of the Jews and Christians. The Romans had created cults that revered their past emperors as Gods and were incensed when the Christians refused to worship. The Christians were considered to be “atheist” and the Roman authorities would levy treason charges and persecute them publically. As the Christians were martyred, an impression of valor, bravery, and virtue passed from them to the spectators. Eusebius argues that God used the persecutions and horrible events to make known and establish Christianity in Rome. “An in accordance with the utterance which commands us to sing the new song, let us proceed to show that, after those terrible and gloomy spectacles which we have described are now permitted to see and celebrate such things as truly righteous men and martyrs of God before us desired to see upon earth and did not see, and to hear and did not hear. But they, hastening on, obtained far better things being carried to heaven and the paradise of divine pleasure (Pamphilus, 325,). The conversion of Emperor Constantine was a remarkable event that led to his famous Edict of Milan to accept and tolerate Christianity in the Roman