Jurassic Park Thesis

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Pages: 5

Dr. Alan Grant Alan Grant was a brilliant professor, researcher, and avid lover of dinosaurs. He could best be described as an average looking man, barrel chested, bearded, that looked to be in his forties. (Crichton) Grant was well known and very much admired. He had a passion for dinosaurs that he was able to make a career out of.
Grant worked as a professor at the University of Denver. He didn’t necessarily need to hold a job. Grant made his money and a name for himself for his discovery and research of fossilized dinosaur nests in in Montana. The funding for this research was provided by John Hammond, another avid lover of dinosaurs. It was Hammond who drew Grant into Jurassic Park.
Hammond needed his park to be endorsed by Grant so
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Tim’s father could never understand why Tim was so fascinated by dinosaurs. Tim was very aware of all that Dr. Grant had accomplished and knew nearly everything there was to know about him before they met. Dr. Grant was the first father figure to encourage Tim’s love for dinosaurs. The young boy changed through his experiences at the park by growing up a bit, and finally feeling what it was like to be supported.
The Review Jurassic Park is honestly a book of about a miracle. John Hammond invested millions of dollars in creating a park with real live dinosaurs. He was able to accomplish this by taking blood from mosquitoes that had fallen into tree sap and been fossilized over thousands of years. Dinosaur DNA was in that blood giving him the ability to recreate the humongous creatures. What looked to be as the next biggest step for man soon turned into a fight to live.
Dr. Alan Grant was a dinosaur enthusiast who spent most of his life studying the extinct creatures. Hammond invited him, along with several others, to be on the first tours through the new park. Things took a turn for the worst when Dennis Redry hacked the park’s computer system allowing the dinosaurs to escape. In short, many died and many more were injured by Hammond’s dinosaurs. The idea started because of his want of money and ended with him still consumed within his own