Kano Analysis Essay

Submitted By hweejing
Words: 685
Pages: 3

Kano Analysis
Excitement contains Customer Value: 5 (Easy to use)
Value located in the Excitement quadrant signifies that the customers are satisfied with the product greater than expected. Value 5 has 6 responses in the exciter category and 2 responses in the performance category. It is important for the product to be more of customers’ expectation and is convenient to move the devices around going out. Ipad is light and the surface is smooth with consumers wants and they would likely to bring it loud rather than a laptop since its heavy.
Performance contains Customer Value: 1 (Features) & 6 (Wireless) & 8 (Battery)
Values located in the Performance quadrant are assumed to have met the expectations of the product with ensures the customers to be satisfied with the product or services. For Value 1 (Features) is at the mids of the performance quadrant as the features of all ipads since the development of the 1st ipad till the current ipad is yet to look similar and does not change much of its features.
Value 6, Wireless, is placed in the performance quadrant. This product has been expected by the consumers as a lot of people brings their devices out and connect with the wifi in a certain place or restaurants. Ipads indeed did a good job to have wireless connections with other places, making the consumers convenient to access the internet.
Value 8, Battery, is well placed in the performance quadrant. For all devices like ipads, they need battery to connect to the product to make it function. Since its technological, it cannot do without electricity or energy thus, battery is a need. A long-lasting battery is what customers want then they purchase a tablet or any technological product.
Value 4, Cost, is well placed in this quadrant. Clearly this product is seen as being good value for money which will make it competitive with other brands. The high placement into this quadrant also shows that there will be some room to increase prices and therefore profit. The price increase would have to be balanced with the other values and monitored to make sure it did not reduce sales.
Basic contains Customer Value: 2 (Display) & 3 (Camera) & 4 (Storage or Apps) & 7 (Price)
As for the basic category, the value needed for a product or service are ‘necessaries ’ because they are ‘taken for granted’ as the product needs its basic functions, without it the product might lack its attributes and will be noticed by the customers. It is expected to perform what the customers expectations are. Value 2, is at