Keystone Pipeline Pros And Cons

Words: 1369
Pages: 6

Keystone XL Pipeline In today’s society, controversies either help or hurt people. A big controversy today is whether or not to build the Keystone XL Pipeline which is an extension of the already made Keystone Pipeline. In my opinion, the Keystone XL Pipeline should and needs to be built. The Keystone Pipeline itself is a very basic oil pipeline system running through the United States and Canada that consists of oil sands. These oil sands are mined and extracted from the earth in Canada and go through a number of processes to excerpt the oil of the sand in the means to make it safer, more profitable, and easier to get oil. This would potentially stop the United States from getting oil supply from the Middle East where there currently is …show more content…
As of now, the original Keystone Pipeline is providing some Americans with the necessities of oil leaving other locals without need of this oil. What the Keystone XL Pipeline will do will expand the current pipeline all the way to Louisiana which is a big import and export location for the Gulf of Mexico. Oil is one of the largest import and export in almost every country. A vital substance to everyday living, it is important to have a clean and efficient oil system for the people. Having said that, by creating the Keystone XL Pipeline, would create much more demand for this matter and would make lots of money which in turn would boost the economy greatly. As far as importing the oil from Canada through the extension of the pipeline (XL) goes, The XL would double imports of the oil into the United States through the pipeline system which would be much more efficient and faster than using automobiles or locomotives to transport the oil. These oil sands would then eventually reach the refineries in the United Stated at numerous different locations. From here it would be transported to gas stations, factories to power equipment, and other major uses for oil in the United …show more content…
The new extension of the pipeline while have the capability of transporting around 830,000 barrels of oil per day. This obviously will help the economy tremendously and will also generate a lot of economic activity to the Unites States other than saving money. Like I stated before, the extension will reach all the way down the United States to Louisiana which is tied to the Gulf of Mexico. The Gulf of Mexico is a major import and export location. So in turn, by the oil reaching all the way to the Gulf of Mexico through the pipeline which is much faster than automobiles, locomotives, etc. it will generate a lot of money by creating more demand and by the amount of oil being exported. The Keystone XL Pipeline would also lower taxes on oil giving us the extra money to put it towards other infrastructure needs such as health, safety, bridges, etc. to improve the standard living of Americans. The pipeline in turn would lower gas prices as it is a basic necessity of citizens which would then put more money in the people’s pockets. This money would then go to other businesses, stores, and local stores which would help the economy in the entire country. It’s sort of like a continuous circle. One necessity of citizens such as gas or oil gets lowered in prices, it would save more and more money which in turn would help all businesses around due to the increase