Lady Macbeth's Relationship

Words: 311
Pages: 2

The relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth has grown distant as the play progresses and irony takes part when Lady Macbeth dies. When his wife pretends to faint Macbeth does not react in a concerning way, despite it being fake. “Macduff: Look to the lady. . . . [many asides between] Banquo: Look to the lady. [Lady Macbeth is assisted to leave] Macbeth: Let’s briefly put on manly readiness/ And meet i’th’ hall together” (2, 3, 113-128). If Macbeth actually loved Lady Macbeth as much as he did before, he would have acted more dramatic to show her he would actually care if she fainted. He could just feel it was a typical female, to faint and be afraid, so he should act like nothing happened in front of other men. Before her suicide, Lady