Liberty Rights And Government Essay

Words: 618
Pages: 3

Liberty, Rights, and governments are changing
Liberty is changing because people are changing behavior due to the ever evolving society. Now that the world is growing and become more corrupt it seems like every other week bad things happen that affect many people. Just a little bit ago a lot of people got hurt in a shooting at a church and because of things like this and other more opinionated reasons we are losing our rights. I’m no genius, but I think I can guess that the more people are in this world the more bad people there are. I personally think that because of corrupt governments, gun control, and stupidity people are losing people are losing the rights they deserve.

Government is the cause of great people but what happens if bad people create the government well generally I would say people rebel and either get shut down into a worse state or rise up and create a better government. However as time goes on bad people alter the system if it’s good and it may weaken the government to the point where it crumbles. Or either very smart war profiteers or complete dummies get the government involved where it shouldn’t be and that may start wars which can cripple countries. Those countries then enter a very bad and desperate state like germany after WW1. During that time smart leaders will help
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If you like at countries that have tried this people find other things like hammers or cars to attack people. But wait it gets worse due to guns and knifes being a primary source of defence for most people take their defense away and now you have people with other tools being used as weapons to attack the sheep who didn’t bring a secondary defense because their primary defence was taken away. If people have guns then guess what, there’s more people to stop the bad people. Then when attacks happen the government believes that by taking away the people's right to bare arms it will solve