Little Mermaid Research Paper

Words: 608
Pages: 3

Where does the little mermaid come among her sisters? How do you think she felt about this order?
She was the youngest of her sister’s mermaids; they were one year apart from each other. The Sea King’s rule is that his daughters did not rise to the surface because human could be dangerous. A mermaid could only have a look at the human world above the ocean waters, when she turns fifteen years. The Little Mermaid was not pleased with that order. She is curious, stubborn, determined and intrepid. Her desire was always to explore the world of humans; she was amaze by the human’s ships, mountains, blue ski and blazing sun. However, her curiosity was not only for new things of this world. The ability of people to have an immortal soul was her obsession.
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He is an old wise merman, strong, serious, rigorous and overprotective. Therefore, his extreme rules to prevent his daughters discover about humans have been misunderstood by many. Behind that strong appearance, he is a loving father who just tries to care for their daughters, and keep them safe from what he believes is dangerous.
At the end, the Little Mermaid sacrifices her own life in order to let the Prince go on living. Why did Andersen create this ending rather than a happier ending? What was Andersen trying to teach or show with this ending?
There are many interpretations about the end of the history. Many emphasize that Andersen create a tragic ending rather than a happier one; nevertheless, others believe that the Little Mermaid really achieves her most desired dream, which was to have an immortal soul. Andersen tried to teach more than one lesson: First, not always, you could achieve what you want, or the way you want. Second, every action in your life lead to consequences, and to achieve your dreams you have to overcome obstacles. Third, her father warning her about the dangerous of that world, but instead, she decided to disobey his orders and made a deal with the witch. Irresponsible behavior results in negative consequences. Four, never trust wicked people, if you pact with them do not expect loyalty in exchange. Even when she does not get