Lord Of The Flies Comparison

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Pages: 4

People often say, “Two heads are better than one”. They do not literally mean that if someone has two heads they are better off than people with only one head. Instead, this proverb is referring to how working with someone is better than working alone; people will get more things accomplished. Working with someone can bring unique ideas from different backgrounds. Just like people, government and religion have to work together toward a shared goal like society succeeding. They both bring different ways to handle issues to the table. In Lord of the Flies, Ralph represents government because he created set rules for the boys to follow, and he was the elected leader on the island. Piggy represents religion because he uses his morals and beliefs. They worked together to try to see the island society triumph. William Golding uses characterization to support his theme that religion and government must work together for a society to succeed.
Throughout Lord of the Flies, Ralph and Piggy collaborated to better their
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For instance, the naval officer who discovered the boys portrays a society that has succeeded. He turns his back, embarrassed, to the boys (202). He acts like the society the boys have created is a disgrace because it is undeveloped in its success of religion and law working together. The officer, a higher authority, represents the success a society can have. Simon is another character that illustrates a different part of society. He symbolizes someone who is on the extreme of either government or higher power because he was often alone doing his own thing not working with others often. He did not work with the other side; he only used his extreme religious or governmental mindset. It eventually caused his demise because he was killed. Golding explores these characters because it shows how the exceptions fit into the