Mama In Alice Walker's Everyday Use

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Pages: 4

There are various ways to see different viewpoints of “Everyday Use” if other people are narrating the story, other than Mama. Mama portrays her experience with her daughter in the story through her perspective and knowledge of the situation that goes on in the story. Alice Walker, the author of this story, wants readers to understand why Mama has a conflict of how she feels about her own daughter. She makes an attempt to demonstrate Mama’s wisdom and struggle with the way she deals with her daughters’ behavior. But, were another person telling the story, from their own experience or perspective, can change effectively about how the reader thinks and feels about the story. Based on who the narrator is and how the narrator tells the story, the …show more content…
Maggie may not have the same education or awareness as Dee does, but she carries the unique traits of her ancestors and knows more about them than Dee. Maggie has the capability to name all her family and what they did with each object. Her interest in the family their selves is higher than what each object does and how long people use …show more content…
She can carry out the family’s legacy, along with the history they have.
Despite her curiosity of how her sister lives, Maggie has no interest in moving into the outside world. Her only wish is to live up to her mother’s expectations and continue the traditions. Without a doubt, Maggie is faithful and devoted to her traditions and family tree, therefore has as much information to tell the audience as her mother.
Conjointly, an omniscient character is likely to have more personal information about the characters and the circumstances of their situation. The character has the ability to share a piece of information that a character that narrates the story has no knowledge of.
She might be right about Dee not liking it, but there are other possibilities of what she is feeling when she watches the fire. The narrator would tell what actually goes on in Dee’s head as the fire blazes the