Mayan Informative Speech

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Pages: 3

Today I have chosen to talk about the Aztecs and Mayans two ancient civilizations located in Central America. I have selected this topic because I find both the Aztecs and Mayans extremely interesting because they were so advanced; especially the Mayans since no one knows what happened to them. We will talk about the locations of cities, pyramids, the mystery of these ancient civilizations, and their technology. Firstly we will learn the locations of the Aztecs and Mayans. The aztecs city capital was located in what is modern day mexico city. It was built on a series of islets in Lake Texcoco. The Mayans were located on the yucatan peninsula protruding into modern day Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras. The Mayans lived in tropical jungles …show more content…
Mayans were a very mysterious people whose hieroglyphics are still being deciphered today. One of popular belief was that the Mayan Calendar ended on the date December 21st 2012 which lead people to believe this was when the world was going to end. This was in fact not true but Mayans could have believed this because it was the end of the 13th Bak’tun which was how long the previous 3 worlds had lasted. This is not proven to be a prophecy of the Mayans since the Hieroglyphs in question are damaged and the fact that we still haven't completely deciphered their language. Something unknow happen to the Mayans civilization at the end of the 9th century that shook the civilization to its foundations. Slowly one by one classic Mayan cities were abandoned by 900 the Mayan civilization had collapsed. Some interesting theories have been created as to why they disappeared. One of which is that Mayans were space travelers and or had interactions with Aliens. Throughout Mayan history, its ruler claimed to be descended from the stars and planets. One such king was K’inich Janaab Pakal, of Palenque who lived for 80 years! On Pakal's tomb he had a unique design engraved on the cover of his sarcophagus which looked like he was sitting the cockpit of a spaceship. This just adds to the mystery of the Mayan