Medication Room Case

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Pages: 3

PRESENT: Neil Hines, MD., President, Salman Siddiqui, M.D., Thresa Simon, M.D., Medical Director; C.R. Amara, M.D., James Wooldridge, M.D.

HOSPITAL STAFF PRESENT: Steve Reider, CEO; Rachel Beal, COO; Gary Richardson, Director of Plant Operations; Quian Buford, Director of Residential Services; Cathy Becker, Director of Acute Services; Margaret Sledge, Director of Patient Access

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 8:15 a.m. by Dr. Wooldridge.


APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes from the November meeting were distributed earlier to allow time for review.

Recommendation: A motion was made by Dr. Wooldridge to approve the previous Minutes. The motion was seconded by Dr. Simon, and unanimously carried.
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At this time, there are still 2 items that still need to be addressed, door hardware and new lock on the medication room. Currently, the medication room has a lock that requires a key to go in and out. The medication room door will also need to be replaced. The 2 additional items are scheduled to be completed in early January. Steve also added that Corporate has agreed that the unit can be opened if needed as is. Steve will have the staff sign an attestation to help reinforce staff need to complete safety checks, monitor hallways, close doors when not in use, etc.

2 South will also require door hardware and a new lock on the medication room. Also, the ADA shower on the unit and the fence for the large courtyard still need to be completed. The small courtyard will be able to be used if patients are on the unit. All items can be completed if patients are on the unit.

Risk Management/PI: Rachel Beal, COO

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Medication variance is anything that is identified as a medication issue in our Midas system that will roll up into the medication variance column.

CEO Update – Steve Reider, CEO

CNO leadership interviews continue. Marcia continues as the Interim CNO. Corporate will be sending Joni McMurphy to help assist Marcia until the CNO role is filled. In terms of nursing in general, Poplar Springs continues to hire new nurses and this is helping to gradually phase out agency nurses.
Brian Krick, new Director of Risk Management/PI, will be starting on January 3rd. Connie Whitlock, Corporate Director of Risk Management, will be on site the week of January 15th to help train Brian is his new role.

Rachel will be transitioning back to the COO role.

There is also a conversation into splitting the role of Director of Risk Management and PI. The process is still being defined at this time. Once defined, Steve will share with the group.

Darius Poitier, Interim Adolescent Program Manager, has been hired to help assist Cathy, Marcia and Kat in developing an adolescent program. Darius will be with us until the end of