Mood In The Hitchhiker

Words: 457
Pages: 2

Choose one of the questions to answer within the story. Choose either tone or mood. How does the author use tone and words to evoke horror within the story? Or How does the author create the mood within the story? Using your notes and the text to write a 300-500 words to answer the question. Use at least three quotes to support the question with plenty of paraphrasing within the writing as well. In the play “The Hitchhiker” Lucille Fletcher it describes the journey of a man who was traveling to California. As Ronald Adams set out on his drive he crossed the Brooklyn Bridge on a rainy night. While crossing the Brooklyn Bridge he sees a man leaning against the cables. He proceeds to continue to see this man on his journey to California. …show more content…
In the story, there are many instances when the author uses tone in order to describe how the character Ronald Adams are feeling. Lucille Fletcher will use the setting and objects to help with the tone. In the story of the hitchhiker, when Adams continually lay eyes on the hitchhiker it is described multiple times in the story the fear Adam has when he keeps seeing him. In other parts of the story, Adams tone will sound stressed in order to describe what he is seeing to the other characters. Some quotes from the text that represent the tone that Adam uses are “(breathlessly) did you see him” and “(excitedly) there-there he is”. The tone the author uses is based on some of the words he uses to describe the feelings he has such as breathlessly, exciting and stressful. The author uses words such as those words to create tone and describes partially how the character on how he may be feeling. Most of the tone came from the main character but other parts in the story the tone will fall in other characters such as the lady hitchhiker and the sandwich guy whose tone is against Adams. Some quotes that the characters used to describe their anger or suspicion they might have for what he describes for Adams, they are “(queerly) I didn’t see a soul.” and “(cranky) Yep we do, in the day