Mystery Mixture Investigation

Words: 677
Pages: 3

Investigation 1, Substances
Investigation Substances objective was to find out what two substances created the mystery mixture. After doing research and experiments, there was one answer. This claim is that baking soda and citric acid were what made the mystery mixture.
Evidence Collection:

Well number
Substance 1
Substance 2
Mystery Mixture

As water is dropped, there is a reaction where bubbling and fizzing begins (like when soda is shaked). After a while reaction stops and there are only bubbles left which soon evaporate.
Calcium Carbonate
Sodium Bicarbonate
Nothing happened other than clumps of the substances combined.
Citric Acid
Ascorbic Acid
Some bubbles on bottom
Citric Acid
Calcium Chloride
Mixture dissolved
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While doing the procedures, I found my conclusion. I did this by making multiple combinations, to find one that is the mystery mixture. While testing many solutions, a couple were similar, and that is when elimination comes in. Research is a main idea when finding a claim, so learning about the substances used can help. Starting off, baking soda and acid have a very similar reaction as the mystery mixture has. As the text states “when sodium bicarbonate reacts with acid, carbon dioxide gas forms” (Foss, pg. 2). Furthermore this reaction can create the rise in baked goods and foam in volcano presentations. This carbon dioxide gas can be the bubbles in the mystery mixture. Other substances like sugar, epsom salt, citric acid etc. all dissolve in water. When combining two substances, they can lead to something else when put in water. But the mystery mixture definitely is not made of two substances that dissolve in water, because nothing interesting will take place. This makes it easier to find the two substances that make the mystery mixture by knowing properties of each …show more content…
The mystery mixture cannot be two solute’s, or else the solution will be something that dissolves or does nothing. So, two substances that made a match we're baking soda and citric acid. When combined, carbon dioxide gas is formed, creating bubbles. This is observed when the mystery mixture has water combined. This is my answer because by looking at the descriptions, 2,3,4,5, and 9 are eliminated because they did not have some things that the mystery mixture contained. The mystery mixture’s results during the chemical reaction was bubbling and fizzing (like when soda is shaked). After the reaction stops and there are only bubbles left which soon evaporate. Furthermore, 6 had one thing missing when compared, and this is the bubbles stayed piled on the bottom instead of evaporating. This makes 8 the winner, which is baking soda and citric