Non Latino Culture Research Paper

Words: 485
Pages: 2

One thing that’ll be heavily influenced by the shift of Latinos becoming the majority ethnic group will be the language influence. Even though America doesn’t have a national language, inevitably with more Spanish speakers migrating into America, we will be seeing a huge change in our current society. Spanish can become a part of our interactions in real life or on social media. To potentially become a mandatory part of the school curriculum, schools may incorporate more diverse perspectives, histories, and cultural experiences into the curriculum to reflect the growing Latino population. Another example that will be heavily influenced is religion. The most common religion among Latinos is Catholicism. Latino religious communities often play …show more content…
Some non-Latino groups may embrace the increasing diversity and view it as an opportunity for cultural exchange and enrichment. They might actively seek to learn more about Latino cultures and traditions, showing greater understanding. On the other hand, there could be some of the population that feel threatened by the demographic shift. This might lead to increased racism, with some individuals expressing increased hostility towards Latinos, blaming them for societal issues like government spending/ joblessness and advocating for stricter immigration policies. There are prior economic suggestions, with non-Latino groups perceiving increased competition for jobs, resources, and opportunities which would result in economic competition. This could worsen existing tensions and differences, leading to social unrest and separation. There could be shifts in policy priorities and electoral campaigning. Non-Latino groups may feel compelled to either align with Latino interests to maintain influence or seek to, in lack of better terms, suppress Latino communities to preserve their own power. Concluding, the reactions of non-Latino groups to Latinos becoming the majority will likely be