Nt1330 Unit 3 Assignment 2

Words: 651
Pages: 3

I can help benefit the server by being a staff member by always monitoring chat while I am on to see if anybody needs help. Also if someone reports a player I would go check that player out, record him, and if I think he is suspicious freeze him and ask him to join the HCGames Ts so I can screen share him or her and look for any unfair advantage he or she might have. Also if a new player were to join the server and was confused about how the server works or had any questions about the server I would tell him all bout how HCGames works and about all the great features of the server. I would also make sure everyone is following the rules and not be bias in my decisions. I am a very nice person and do not get angry easily. I am also fair, I always …show more content…
I know what folders and files to look at while screensharing a player and how to check if he deleted an auto clickermacro. I also do not think becoming staff will make me cool or respected or try to get things from people because I am a staff member. My one goal would be to help the players and make sure they are having a fun and enjoyable time on the server. If they are not having fun for example because of some hacker killing them or somebody tp glitches into their base and neither of the people get banned, I would feel bad knowing I couldn't help them because I wasn't able to help them because I was not staff and did not have the proper permissions to. I am also very patient, I will not get angry easily, however I like to joke around a lot and have fun. I also know all of the commands that a helper uses daily for example kick, clear chat (cc), mute, tempban, etc.. Another reason you should choose me over any other applicant is because I always answer questions when people m me or ask a question in chat. I know a lot about the server because of how long I have been playing on the server so I can help the players with almost