Occupational Therapy Philosophy

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Pages: 5

Occupational therapy is centered around the the holistic human being. The philosophy of occupational therapy promotes the belief that humans are engaged in complex interaction, such as social, physical, temporal, cultural, psychological, and spiritual environments. Occupational therapy practitioners promote success in activities of daily living by strengthening the ability to engage in occupations that are meaningful and functional to each client (Philosophy of Occupational Therapy Education, 2007). Occupational therapy practitioners refer to specific frames of reference to help assess treatments needed for each individual. In each story illustrated throughout the Ordinary Miracles text, the occupational therapy practitioner centers treatment …show more content…
Finally, the occupational therapist thought of an intervention that may be the answer to Keith’s problem. Just fresh out of occupational therapy school, the therapist remembered researching sensory integration and the vestibular system. The vestibular system not only controls balance and equilibrium, but is also said to be connected to the part of the brain that is responsible for making sounds. Studies in occupational therapy have shown that repetitively stimulating the vestibular system may also help problems with speech. Although it seemed to be a long shot, the occupational therapist suggested a repetitive swinging session in the prone position for 10-15 minutes a day for Keith in the therapy …show more content…
T’s magic tricks became his treatment sessions. Each session he bettered himself, and with each session his confidence grew. One day during treatment, Mr. T took the therapist into his radio room and showed her how to use the ham radio. With great thrill, Mr. T’s wife confided in the therapist by telling her that he had not been in that room since before his first amputation. She was able to see that Mr. T was slowly coming out of his depression and taking up his interests again. The forms of therapeutic interventions centered around Mr. T’s interests helped to regain his emotional health and live a happier life. Tasks that seemed impossible became attainable once again, and each day Mr. T continued to progress (Labovitz, 2002).
“The Magical Mr. T” illustrates the correct occupational therapy practices by getting to know the patient. Using MOHO, the occupational therapist assessed the holistic person by learning his interests, hobbies, habits, what motivates him, and how he was feeling. If the OT did not effectively assess Mr. T’s interests, it is likely he would have never slipped out of his depression. In conclusion, the therapist did an adequate job in learning the client’s occupations and interests while helping the client to perform his activities of daily