Odysseus Quotes Analysis

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Pages: 1

Athena is not the only god whose supremacy controls the character’s lives, Poseidon does so also. To put it bluntly, Poseidon hates Odysseus, and to show his hatred, he controls most of the awful things that occur to Odysseus on his journey home. His hatred begins when Odysseus kills his son and steals his food. (quote) Not only this, but when Poseidon sees Odysseus traveling along he says “‘ While I was gone the gods have changed their minds about Odysseus. Look at him now, just offshore of that island that frees him from the bondage of his exile! Still I can give him a rough ride in, and will,’” (Homer, book V, ln. 296-300). Odysseus would have never made it away from Calypso (a goddess) in the first place without the help of Athena,